यस्तो छ एकता महाधिवेशनलाई CPI(M-L) Red Star को शुभकामना सन्देश

यस्तो छ एकता महाधिवेशनलाई CPI(M-L) Red Star को शुभकामना सन्देश


On behalf of Comrade Tuhin and myself personally, and on behalf of our party CPI(M-L) Red Star, I wish the success of the Unity Congress of the Revolutionary Communist Party of Nepal (RCPN). We are grateful to you for inviting us to this historic Congress.

Comrade, today your Congress is being held at a time when the danger of fascism and war is looming over the heads of the world. Donald Trump, the fascist face of American politics, has regained his lost power and returned to power for the second time. This event proves that there is a fertile ground for fascism all over the world. As long as the acute crisis of the imperialist and capitalist economy persists and its solution is not found, the danger of fascism will remain. Donald Trump’s victory has shown that fascism cannot be stopped by simply removing it from power. If an alternative narrative of fascist politics, economics, social policy and philosophy cannot be created, if a real solution to the crisis of capitalism that is the birthplace of fascism cannot be presented, then anti-fascist victory cannot be achieved by defeating the fascist force in the elections alone. Defeated fascism is capable of restoring the lost power from the liberals without an alternative socio-economic path and alternative political program with double vigor and power. You will notice that in the forties of the last century, on the one hand, the liberal bourgeoisie was able to present the Keynesian alternative against fascism, with the strength of which it was able to build the “Golden Age of Capitalism” over the next three decades. On the other hand, the communists had the Soviet alternative. Such an alternative that even the crisis that destroyed world capitalism in the Great Depression of the thirties could not scratch it. Today, the bourgeoisie has no alternative. The communists do not have one. Although the first world campaign of socialism achieved initial success, it is currently facing a crisis all over the world. This lack of alternatives is what is helping fascism survive and grow. We must pay attention to this.

Friends, the source of the power of the fascist RSS/BJP in India too is this lack of these alternatives. The Modi government has returned to power for the third time. Just as this government is continuously exploiting and oppressing the workers, farmers, poor, and working people of India, dividing people on the basis of religion, imposing the life of second-class citizens on Dalits, tribals, religious minorities, and women, it is also carrying out aggressive expansionist hegemony on its neighbors including Nepal, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh in the international arena. The nexus between Prime Minister Narendra Modi and industrialist Adani has reached such a point that these days it is being called ‘Modani’. This Modani is not only capturing rivers, forests, and land everywhere in India, but is also capturing the ports, airports, and land of all the countries of South Asia by bringing the governments into its fold. It is trying to control public life. The communist forces, democratic forces, and the people of all the countries of South Asia need a united resistance against this. Comrades, since the ruling class of India is a vassal and conscious partner of imperialist capital,the strategic junior partner of US imperialism into the conflict against China, an important part of the conflict between the people of South Asia and the international imperialist powers is the united struggle against Indian expansionism. In addition, the struggle must be continued against the US-led bloc and all imperialist powers, including China and Russia, in this region. In this perspective, in the backdrop of the failure of international lefts, the united resistance struggle launched by the Marxist-Leninist forces in Palestine against Zionist Israel with all other forces of resistance including Hamas is a noteworthy model before us. 

Comrades, you are waging a long-standing struggle to build a new Nepal, an independent, sovereign, democratic and prosperous Nepal. We, the revolutionary communists of India and the democratic people of India, are by your side. Your victory in this struggle is certain.

Comrades, Nepal is a great country. This country is the birthplace of the great Gautama Buddha. Today, the Brahminists have distorted Gautam Buddha and reduced the socio-political movement initiated by Buddha to a religious movement, thereby killing the revolutionary spirit of Buddha. But Gautam Buddha was not only an ambassador of peace, compassion and friendship, he was an ambassador of revolution in every sense. He was the first to give the message of creating an egalitarian society by opposing the caste system and preaching equality. We firmly believe that the people of Nepal are great, and that the Communist Party of Nepal will succeed.

We pray for the success of your Unity Congress.

Let imperialism, Zionism, fascism, Hindutva fascism be gone.

Proletarians and oppressed of the world unite!

With revolutionary greetings,

Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) Red Star.

Central Committee
