Kathmandu/ The Communist Party of Nepal (Revolutionary Maoist) recently concluded its nationwide ideological and political training. It was carried out to disseminate the Central Committee decisions and clarify among the party cadres the confusion created by recent split. The party leadership has been able to disseminate the CC decisions and clarify such confusion among the cadres by means of the training programmes organised in several places. All this has inspired the entire party cadres, including leaders, all across the country.
Began from Mid-Command and ended at Western
The first political training programme began from central-command on Shrawan 30, 2073 at Newa state Party Office in Kupondole, Lalitpur. A big number of leaders and cadres of the party were present from Bhojpura, Tamsaling, and Newa states in it. It was very successful and an inspiring gathering.
The Eastern Command training concluded in Bhadra 1 at Itahari, Sunsari. As many as six-hundred cadres and leaders were present at the training from Mithila, Kirant, Kochila and Limbuwan states. The training was successfully concluded bringing again the hope of new democratic revolution among the participants.
The training in Mid-Western Command was successfully held on Bhadra 8. Leaders and Cadres from Awadh, Tamuwan and Magarat states had actively participated in the training programme held at Butwal. Likewise, training in the Western Command took place on Bhadra 10 in Nepalgunj, Banke District. A good number of leaders and cadres from Tharuwan, Seti Mahakali, Bheri and Karnali states were present in this training programme as well.
Convention of Mass and front organizations
Convention of mass and front organizations that was not held for long has also been organised during this period. The national conference of the Revolutionary Journalists’ Federation, close to party, has been concluded. The National convention of Madhesi National Liberation Front was organised in the period in between. Likewise, mass and front organisations such as Teachers, Workers, Students, Dalits, Women, Newa, Tharus and Tamang reorganised their respective central committees within this period.
Preparation of organizing United Front
The Communist Party of Nepal (Revolutionary Maoist) has taken up a decision to build up a united front under its leadership. As per the party’s central committee decision, senior leader CP Gajurel has been decided as the coordinator of the united front. According to party policy, the united front will mainly act as an instrument of struggle for now and as a means of both struggle and power after people’s power start emerging.
Attempts to develop struggle
The party has planned to come up with struggle on the issues, like national independence, democracy and people’s livelihood through the party itself and mass organizations. The party Chairman comrade Kiran has already submitted 9-point memorandum in favour of landless squatters to the Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal. All Nepal National Independent Students Union has started their struggle based on their educational and other related demands. The party has decided to intensify struggle demanding that Upper Karnali Hydropower Project should be constructed by Nepal not by any foreign agencies. Similarly, the party not only supported the heroic act of Tilathi people, who destroyed the dam unilaterally constructed by India in the no man’s land bordering Saptari, but also organized various corner meetings to express its solidarity with them. These are a few examples of struggle the party carried out within this period.
The cloud of frustration is getting removed
The nationwide training and meeting was able to spread a message that a big chunk of cadres are still in favour of revolution. Though some of the opportunists left the party, the cadres and leaders of the party are firmly convinced that it is the Marxism-Leninism-Maoism not neo-revisionism that can brings about a revolutionary change in the country. Furthermore, process of bringing revolutionaries under the banner upheld by the CPN (Revolutionary Maoist) is increasing. The training and meeting held in the meantime has also proved that party is able to raise and lead various struggles on the issues that workers, peasants and the oppressed people all across the country have been raising.
Confidence among the leaders is increasing
After successful completion of the programmes taken by party nearly for two months, the self-confidence and enthusiasm of the cadres and leaders has qualitatively increased. Though some of the opportunists left the party, it has also been proved that the revolutionary cadres are with CPN (Revolutionary Maoist) and it is the only centre of revolutionaries all across the country. Not merely among the cadres, the level of self-confidence among the party leaders as well has increased within this period. Many central leaders, including party Chairman comrade Kiran and comrade Gaurav, attended the training programmes and got in touch with the grass-root level comrades in their bid to apply Mao’s dictum: “From the people to the people”.
Only centre of hope for the people
The CPN (Revolutionary Maoist) has been the only communist party left to clearly express their vision to the party cadres and people. The leaders have been firmly telling the people that it is the New Democratic Revolution, not the socialist revolution as some revisionist centres deceitfully claim, that liberates Nepal and the oppressed Nepalese people from the clutches of domestic and foreign reactions. Given party’s firm conviction towards MLM, the level of confidence between party and the revolutionary people is in the rise. Angered by the recurrent betrayal of communist parties, latest by the neo-revisionist CPN (Maoist Centre), not only the revolutionary cadres but also the workers, peasants and oppressed masses have started looking at the CPN (Revolutionary Maoist) all across the country. As a result, one can see a prospect of extensive polarisation of revolutionaries in the days ahead.